Sunday, February 1, 2009


According to me,morning is the time which needs lot of patience and concentration.Not that I cannot finish my work in time but because I always have a fear that I might delay things that may result in my husband going to office late.I was packing my husbands lunch and I heard my husbands voice ..Mangala,there is only one black sock .Where is the other one?Oh God ,not again and I ran over to see if I could trace the lost one.But to my disgust it was not there and I had to give him another pair .So after he left to office I kept wondering,how inanimate things manage to vanish.It is really a wonder than P.C. Sarkar's vanishing act.I could never trace the black socks.Then comes the handkerchiefs.You buy a dozen but it just vanishes .I always have a doubt if my husband loses it in office.Sometimes when I wash I retrieve them from his pant pockets.Whenever it is a pair I invariably find that it gets divorced and I am always left with one sock,one thought process comes to an end with the telephone ring.Its my father.He wants me to note down a number .I look around and find I have the note pad but the pen??? I look in the pen stand.Where has it gone ?I search for the pencil which I remember seeing even the day before.But that too is missing .I remember taking it to solve sudoku .Probably left it in the dining table ,but it wasn't there .Where in heavens do these things disappear?The other day when I had to note down an address,I was happy to get the pen but my notebook was missing.Here again,I think they also do have an argument among themselves and vanish.Sometimes I have realised that even if the pen is there it wont write.I don't know the experience of others but for me when we start somewhere and think of locking the suitcase i am always faced with a problem.I have a tin box with many locks and keys but none suits.aha I buy a new one and it is always that either the key is lost or lock is I am just surprised by the way these things lose their partner and stay single.They just runaway into the wonderland to share Alice's adventures or to have tea with mad hatter perhaps.Now after saving this article just taking the thumb drive I realise , oh my god not again ,its lid missing perhaps gone to tea.

1 comment:

Sashi said...

Yes you seemed to be playing 'Hide and Seek' with Blogging and came with refreshing Post in the New Year...
The events mirrored pretty well the diurnal happenings. Kudos!
What next in the Sequel?
"Lost and Never Found!"