Thursday, May 13, 2010

I walked the path
very happy and gay.
No thorns or stones
to stop me on my way.
I just loved people
as they were
and trusted them
every word and deed.
Then I grew up to find
all smiles were false
and words were just words sake.
With pain in my heart
and tears in my eyes
I turn to Him
My only solace.
He answered me
with a smile
Dear!I have to use
different colours to
make my canvas bright.
Just walk your path
Light the house
that lacks a smile
hold the hand
which needs support.
dont ever expect,
dont ever want
for that is how
I want you my dear.
I turn around to
see my love smiling
holding out his hands
for me to hold.
What do I need?
Whom do I need?
Together we walk the path
happy and gay.

1 comment:

Sashi said...

The depiction of flow of life was soft and gentle.
‘Untitled’ is an interesting title.
Observing your guiding spirit.. following you, I would have titled: “Follow Me!”