Thursday, October 21, 2010

Watch what you do,a generation is following you

I am very surprised to hear these two phrases in my daily life.....”I am bored and I am down”.Even a five year old says he or she is bored. That is really funny. How can someone be bored? I met a student of 11 Th standard and asked her how her new school was and the reply was..Oh its boring got to study study and study. Now what does that mean? If you are bored to study then what else will you do is the next probable question or when will you study? The obvious answer is watch television; go shopping with friends or watch movie. But how long is this possible and does it mean you just want to spend life aimless. I would blame the parents for this, they haven’t taught them that life needs goals and to enjoy whatever they are doing. It’s not to just laze and dance around but to achieve and to aim forward. You can’t see any progress if you don’t set goals for yourself. I don’t mean that one should be good in studies only. He or she can opt for fine arts if that’s what they love and do their best in it. This is true for a housewife too. I have heard many say, you can just enjoy and sleep and laze around. You have all the time in the world.That's what I exactly mean, you do these things only, teaching your kids the same things (as they mimic their mom mostly) paving way for a lazy goalless generation.. When the mom and dad do things on time and insist on it, the kids learn to do it. Or else they think nothing wrong in getting 5 Min's late or postponing a job. When a school gives a work to do, the parents instead of cursing the teachers, should teach them to perform the assigned job in the time limit given. That is how kids learn to finish a job. When this discipline is not taught, he keeps doing things the way he wants, not on time and inherits it to the next generation. The parents got to show the kid that by going late he is making the other person wait and it merely shows that he does not respect the other persons time. Just because we do not frame any goal and do not stick to a disciplined life we are bored. That’s my view. The other thing is, we are not ready to slog, we want all enjoyments and comforts, but when it comes to results we want the best. How is that possible? We can reap only what we sow.The usual remark is, I ain't that lucky. When one is not ready to accept his fault he got to blame lady luck .When we have a goal set and try to strive towards it I think this boredom and depression can be deleted from the lives of young. For this the parents should set a role model by doing what they preach. I personally feel that by doing these small things and being responsible we can see a very responsible generation ahead and a beautiful India.

1 comment:

Sashi said...

The discipline and time management are virtues in any age. You acquire these qualities by virtue of one’s innate propensities. For those who have inculcated these qualities, setting a goal and work towards it is the easiest task.
Frankly, I am not clear who should set the goals for children? Parents or children themselves? Goals set by parents, can it be construed as a way of indoctrination? In a western model..parents can never set the road map of life or goals for children. The environment and ambience moulds the life of a child more than any other influence here or there. Let me hope that the present day children will have the ability to discern the right and wrong and move ahead with the life process. Mangala’s blogs always have a flow and this one is no different. Kudos.