Saturday, July 12, 2008


Children are parents priced possession .I do agree. But the way they dominate is really ridiculous. When I was young, my father held full control. As a matter of fact, he used to buy the dresses we had to wear and we wore it without any grumble. It is really funny. Now when I tell my daughter that she can dress this way and usually I am answered with a no…oh amma this dress looks odd…look at the color very daring ….now I think back…I have never said a word against my fathers or mothers wishes. It was an unwritten law OBEY ….and no reasons accepted as they put it- we know what is best for you. That was a generation before
But even now I come across parents never letting their children out of their grip. Somehow I just imagine the pitiable condition of the child as a monkey in chains in the hand of a beggar. Nothing different. It is made to do whatever the beggar wants whether it likes it or not. My daughter’s friend was one such example. She wanted to do PhD but her parents were against this stating that a job in an IT company was a blessing and by studying more she is increasing the difficulty factor of finding a prospective groom. Now when she wanted to do engineering they wanted her to pursue physics as they put it girls should not be so ambitious. Now the difficulties I faced with my parents made me a different individual. I just did not want to suppress my daughter’s desires of chemical engineering or further studies. Thanks to my husband who also believes in equality. I am quiet frequently confronted by people and advices are never-ending that we are foolish to send our daughter for further studies and girls being sooo ambitious is not good. Why not? But I later saw that its not only girls but parents do have their grips tight on their sons too….they want him to study but they want to decide the course, college and even the bride . They always want their sons to be under their control even after marriage. When a boy speaks out his opinion he is ridiculed that he is talking because his wife wanted him to do so. I was really surprised when I saw a father fill out the income tax form of his married son. He declared proudly that these decisions only he can take and his son can’t define what is right. Our society stature is such that we keep thinking that we should keep our kids under control and this is a chain reaction and it never seems to end. we fail to think that kids too have likes and dislikes ,responsibilities.ofcourse parents helped them in growing up.Now that they are grownup its high time they are allowed to their decisions and we can always help them out when they come up with problems. It is only human beings behavioral pattern .You see the animals and birds …when they are healthy enough to walk or fly they are left alone.HOPE WE LEARN FROM THEM :)


Sashi said...

I am not quite sure when I should consider a child as grown up?
When I should allow a child to take his/her decisions?
Afer marriage most of us leave the decisions of life to children. There is 50:50 chance that you may have a say in marriage.
Till marriage, a tacit control keeps children under parental control. Good or bad.
Leaving all decision making with children at very early age like in a western model hasn't yielded very encouraging examples. We in India are aping them and it is not very far when we 'embrace' their values and lifestyle.
A time to redefine and relook at the parent-child-parent relationship.
A Thought provoking post.

Saba said...

First a general comment on these blogs. These are all topics of social sciences. They are difficult to define and analyze. I will take this blog as an example. Firstly, the kind of parents matter a lot. If parents are obsessed with certain futuristic picture of their children, its a problem. If parents are way to liberal, that's another problem. If parents are educated (in a broader sense of the term), they are a gift for the child. Parents have some unfulfilled dreams which they want to realize through their kids, it may be a very comfortable situation. Next comes the society in which they live. If parents don't like it, even if they want to give their child freedom, they might not be able to. OK i can go on and on. But i am glad you focused on some aspects of the problem which many others ignored