Sunday, July 13, 2008


My grandmother was a very patient and practical lady. She lost her husband when she was just 25 years and was left with 4 children to take care. After my grandfathers death her life revolved around her children who were very young. As my grandfather was working for railways she had to wait for her eldest son who was just 13 years to complete his education and get a job in railways in compassionate ground. In our society you can be poor but being a widow was/is really a curse. She had to undergo all sorts of troubles to bring up her kids. The eldest son got his job, and then my mother she learnt typewriting and shorthand and got into LIC and the other two were studying. My uncle got interested with a girl who was also working for railways. My grandmother was so broadminded and she accepted his proposal. Then the ordeal started, my aunt did not like the responsibilities .somehow my grandmother adjusted to everything and my mother and rest got married. Now my uncle had a son and my grandmothers help was needed and her world started revolving around her grandchild. Then he had a brother and sister .so it was a busy schedule for her and she had to send them to school, take lunch et al.we used to visit my grandmother with our mother during our vacations. I just loved her ,her sweet smile .Whenever I was in a haste to do something she used to tell -be patient darling .Slow and steady wins the race .Iwas always with her chatting and listening to her stories. I have never seen her sleep .whatever dish we wanted we just had to spell out and she had it ready. When I was in tenth standard when I was a mature enough to understand things, I sensed my grandmother was an unpaid servant. She was always busy and her son or daughter in law never had the time to talk to her or ask her what she needed. She was a caretaker that’s all. Sunday my uncle and aunt would rest and they never bothered to rest my granny. So once when we both were chatting I told her to come with us .she was puzzled. I told her that I did not like the way she was treated and started weeping. She patted me on my head hugged me and said - Mangala ..Of course I brought him up but the duties I am doing is not out of compulsion but out of love. Yes I am hurt but at least I am useful. Let god give me all strength to always do things and let me not depend on others. And then she told me you are growing up you should also learn from others mistakes.Dont treat anyone the way you don’t want them to treat you. You be a lovely daughter to your parents and let them be proud of you. These words I still remember…when I get hurt by someone’s reaction I immediately think …be patient. So days rolled by. All in college and married ,my grandmother was 80 years old ,now very weak ,my uncle wanted to put her in an old age home. My grandmother wept. She told him not to send her there. My mother and her sister came to know about it and took her to their house where she breathed her last. I can never forgive my uncle. People are so selfish that they throw you off after taking all advantages. Here was a lady who wanted to give only happiness to her children and her son who wanted only his happiness. She was there in thick and thin whenever her son needed her but unfortunately he did not want to have her or just support her when she needed him most.Thats life .I learnt a lesson….never to be like my uncle. So even when my father is dominant and does not try to understand certain things…I just tell myself I am not talking back. He is old and I am not hurting him.I try my best to explain things. He will understand me someday…Children can really turn villains. Otherwise old age homes will not be so crowded

1 comment:

Sashi said...

Human relations are so complex and curiously the geographic location can influence our pattern of thinking so much that we have to be a roman in rome. But what's happening is that we are trying to be roman in our own homefront. Old age homes have a utility but should not for discards by a family.
Life teaches many lessons through sons,daughters, wives, husbands, uncles and grandparents...It is a continuing learning process to adopt and readopt.
Every age has a role unfortunately the old age is donning subservient role.
May be the title Grandparents is also apt.
Hope I can catch up with your blogging pace. Keep it up.