Friday, July 11, 2008



Parents are parents whichever age group they belong to. The children who cribbed about lack of freedom when they were young start dominating when they become parents….I think the post gives you the power. My friend when she was 20 years of age was in love with a guy and wanted to marry him. There was a lot of opposition and finally the boys side gave in. But the girls parents weren’t interested as his social status wasn’t good (that was the reason they said) they started emotionally blackmailing ,if she married him they (the whole family) would commit suicide. So this girl gave in and accepted the proposal of marrying a boy with a good social status and the one selected by her parents. She was very unhappy and always in tears. It was only after marriage did she come to know that her husband had no job and he was just sitting at home and eating from his parent’s property. Such was the ego of the girl’s parents that they had not enquired about the boy but wanted to send her off as soon as possible. So her life was a mess with lots of trouble from her in laws. When she told this to her parents they said everything will change. When she was in family way ,her husband came to know about her affair and started torturing .So after her son was born, she could not take the trouble any longer . She just walked out with her son. She did not talk to her parents too. She got a job and her son graduated and was placed in an IT firm….now history repeats ..he told his mother that he is in love with a girl and wants to get married. He also told her, the girl will very much be like a daughter and she knows everything about his mother. But tables turned she wasn’t interested she wept to us….see after so much trouble I had bringing him up this boy has actually betrayed me. Now we told her that she was actually committing the same mistake her parents had committed .what she talked about freedom when she was young had no value now. We had to persuade her and she finally consented. its almost a year since this marriage took place .she called me up to say after 28 years she is now enjoying life as her daughter in law and her parents are so kind and understanding.As the famous poet Khalil gibran puts it
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.


maddy said...

Beautifully written, Gibran's quotes summarizes it perfectly!
keep writing.......looking forward for your future posts

Sashi said...

It is a nice post on what we dont learn from our own experiences. Every attachment brings pleasure and pain. The degree of pain depends on degree of attachment. Surprisingly, the degree of happiness is not proportional to degree of attachment. Gibran's quotation is an apt reminder of our bond with our near and dear.

Unknown said...

A wonderful and eye opening article..... probably a must for all parents..

Suresh S

Saba said...

A real life story, good moral and happy ending. Perfect :)