Thursday, July 10, 2008

we can learn from our youngsters too!!!!

Nowadays what I see around is really surprising .children always with mobiles or mp3 players plugged into their ears .I wonder whether they are conscious of anything going around them. So when we parents meet and when I chat with my husband we always accuse younger generation as irresponsible and completely immature (I remember even we were accused like this by our elders). Whenever we talked to our daughter an argument would crop up on the way a problem was dealt . So it was really surprising when I had an opportunity to visit her in Singapore and stay with her for 15 days. These youngsters with mobiles were always there whenever I needed something. They asked me to sit free and cooked me a good dinner …they never allowed me to wash vessals or clear the table .you are always doing this aunty, why don’t you relax. My daughter was to start to France so we thought we may have to do quiet a lot of work like buying phone cards ,foreign exchange etc etc.To our surprise everything was done and her friends were always there to help her out. One of her friend even bought her a multi country plug to use in France and phone card so that she can contact us. I generally get irritated by the cell phones constant ringing and message tones. when I was telling my daughter this she told amma you just don’t know the use of this, when I return after my experiments around 2 am or 3 am I message my friend and he will accompany me to my room. Or we usually plan in such a way we always get back together and on one occasion I saw that too and it was a relief for me that there is no fear in her traveling back at midnight. As my husband put it- there was lot of positive energy around and we were very happy and cheerful. Then came the new-year eve. we thought these youngsters would like to enjoy…but again I was surprised when they asked us to come to national university hospital .I asked the reason ,my daughter explained those old critically ill patients will be missing a lot so we will make them play some games and make them relax .wow what a great idea. Then back home in India I was introduced to another set of youngsters when my husband’s colleague fell critically ill. They justdid not give a thought about home but were sitting outside the ICU and morally boosting him. Now going back to my younger days, have I ever been so kind ,thoughtful and helpful. No never. I have never helped my mother even with her dishes leave alone serving others. Now the question is" Do I have the right to comment that younger generation are irresponsible and immature? "They are also good matured individuals who know what they are doing


Sashi said...

Congratulations for joining the Blogger's league!
It is said when it pours!
It appears true from your rate of (rather spate of) blogging. Keep it up!
I have to learn a lot from your prolofic writing. Not because but also you are younger to me.
It was a nice post to begin with.
You brought out the aspect of young and their adoptability.
May be as a parent we dont realise the transition from Child to Adult.
It is a pleasant experience to realise that (Self) learning process has commenced.
Look forward to your future posts.

Saba said...

A nice maiden blog. Its different because it at least appreciates some acts of the younger generation. But younger generation is involved in a plethora of other activities which can be qualified as rude, insolent, disrespectful and other such adjectives. It is hard to pass a judgement as many factors are involved. I personally believe i have a lot of learn from my elders and they are a constant source of inspiration.